ISASI Pozzuoli, ResearcherDirigente di Ricerca I livello

Short Bio
Berardo Ruggiero was born on 1962 in Naples, Italy. He received the doctoral degree “cum laude” in Physics from the University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy, in 1988. Berardo Ruggiero has been researcher (1988-2001) and senior researcher (2002-2019) at the CNR-ISASI, where he is now Research Director and the Responsible of projects in the field of Science Quantum Technologies , as well as of cryogenic laboratory at low noise in the very low temperature region (1 K- 40 mK). He is the responsible of Scientific Agreement between INFN Section Naples and ISASI CNR on Reduced graphene oxide on silicon-based structure as novel broadband photodetector (N00002242/2020 - 2020). He has been responsible of i) Research Activity of ISASI CNR on Graphene oxide on silicon-based structure as photodetector (2020-21 PdG DFMAD001.276 ii) Scientific European Projects on Nanotechnologies and national Projects on Superconducting Networks (FIRB, Commesse PRIN, Regione Campania L.41, and L.3.17, etc etc) iii) Commessa CNR “MIcro e Nano Dispositivi Strutturati per sensoristica superconduttiva e fotonica -MIND”, MD.P04.022 in CNR – Dipartimento Materiali e Dispositivi (2010-2013). B.R. is a member of “Consiglio di Istituto”(2019 up to now). B.R. has been contract professor in Physics at Department di Ingegneria of Università della Campania “Luigi vanvitelli” (from 2002 - 2017). He has also been the President of the Associazione MQC2 to enhance international scientific exchange in the fields of Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Natural sciences in general, with particular attention to modern physics, to quantum mechanics and to advanced computer science. The topics of Ruggiero’s research can be characterized as the study (mainly experimental) of superconducting networks based on Josephson junctions and qubits. He has been member of the steering committee of International Workshops on Macroscopic Quantum Computing. In 2004 he has been co-author of the volume edited by Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, USA “Quantum Computing and Quantum Bits in Mesoscopic Systems” in particular with A.J. Leggett (2003 Physics Nobel Laureate). He is author of international volumes, more than 100 papers on referred journals. He is also author of national technogical patents and 130 contributions to international conferences.