Researchers from ISASI-CNR, coordinated by Maurizio Casalino, in collaboration with Dr. Teresa Crisci from the Department of Engineering at Federico II University, recently published a
News and Events
Workshop Quantum Integration and Topology
In the framework of the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) the CNR-ISASI in collaboration with CNR-INO e CNR- SPIN organize the Workshop “Quantum
Infrared imaging at the 13th edition of the Italy-China Week
The Thermography and Infrared Imaging group on the CNR ISASI partecipated in the day of seminars and meetings held at Città delle Scienza in Naples
Ph.D. Summer School on “Quantum Optics and Quantum Materials”
It is announced that Maria Antonietta Ferrara from ISASI-NA, in her role as coordinator of the ARTEMIS consortium, is playing a key role in organizing
IEEE Photonics Society LUX QUANTA
On Friday, 18th October 2024, at the Futuro Remoto festival at Città della Scienza in Naples, the IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter, in collaboration with
Co-Visions The magic of light science a Futuro Remoto 2024
On Saturday 19 October at 12, the Co-Visions exhibition opens in Città della Scienza. The magic of light science is an experiment in scientific communication
ISASI Researchers at Futuro Remoto 2024
Also this year, ISASI researchers, together with the other CNR Institutes of the CNR CREO coordination, will participate in Futuro Remoto, which will be held
PRIN 2022 “B-PLAS”
Title: Bound states in the continuum PLAtform for ultrasensitive Sensing of mycotoxins in contamined food Why: Mycotoxins are “natural” contaminants of foods and are classified
PRIN PNRR 2022 “Neural wearable device for augmented interconnection in manufacturing safety”
The proposed research project fits into the cogent theme of workplace risk prevention and accident reduction to improve health and safety in the working environments,
Superconducting Electronics Summer School 2024
Carmine Granata is one of the Lecturer of the next Superconducting Electronics school which will take place from 29 September to 4 October 2024 on
Special Issue Advanced Photodetector Based on Multifunctional Material
Carmela Bonavolontà and Massimo Valentino are Guest Editors of the Special Issue Advanced Photodetector Based on Multifunctional Material A special issue of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220). This special
Talking about us
The results of the work of the NanoBiomolecular group, recently published in Advanced Functional Materials, have aroused the interest of various press agencies, both specialist
Gold nanoprisms and light to enhance tissue regeneration
Is it possible to heal a wound with light? One of the goals of regenerative medicine is the ability to reactivate stem cells in injured
Broadband photodetector based on rGO /n-Silicon heterojunction
Massimo Valentino1, Carmela Bonavolontà1, Antonio Vettoliere1, Ivo Rendina1, Berardo Ruggiero1, Paolo Silvestrini2,1 1 CNR- ISASI, Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems, via Campi Flegrei
IEEE Photonics Society Italy Award to Daniele Pirone
Dr. Daniele Pirone’s thesis entitled “Tomographic phase microscopy in flow cytometry” was awarded as the Best PhD Thesis 2023 in applied photonics by the IEEE
Research Activity as Highlights of PNRR NQSTI – Superconducting Qubit Networks
Berardo Ruggiero1, Carmela Bonavolontà1, Gianluca Coda1, Alessio Crescitelli1, Valentina Di Meo1, Emanuela Esposito1, Massimo Valentino1, Paolo Vanacore1, Claudio Gatti2, Emanuele Enrico3, Luca Fasolo3, Giorgio Brida3,
CNR and Quantum Sciences and Technologies
7 June 2024, Sala Convegni “Roberto Vaccaro”CNR Area ea Territoriale di Ricerca Napoli 1 On Friday 7 June 2024, a meeting dedicated to Quantum Sciences and
METROARCHAEO Special Session 5
The 2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, METRO ARCHAEO, will be held from October 7 to 9 in Valletta, Malta.
Ferromagnetic Josephson junctions for innovative qubits
In the framework of the national recovery and resilience plan, PE4 project (NQSTI – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute), the Institute of Applied Sciences
Special Issue in Plants (MDPI)
Massimo Rippa is Guest Editor of the Special Issue in Plants (I.F. 4.5 – MDPI) titled ‘Application of Infrared Sensing and Thermal Imaging on Plants
Special Issue in Discover Applied Science (Springer Nature Collection)
Massimo Rippa is Guest Editor of the Interdisciplinary Special Issue in Discover Applied Science (Springer Nature Collection) titled ‘Imaging and Spectrophotometric Techniques for Diagnostic and
Mini-Workshop ISASI 2024
Thursday 18 April 2024 Aula conferenze Area CNR Napoli 3 Via Campi Flegrei 34, Pozzuoli (NA) Download the program here! PROGRAM 9:00 9:10 Introductory
EOSAM 2024, EOS Annual Meeting
Dr. L. De Stefano is the General Chair of EOSAM 2024, the annual meeting of the European Optical Society (EOS), which will take place in
“Citometria a flusso per Immagini TOmografiche con specificità intracellulare senza Marcatori (CITOM)” project
Funding: CNR-UVR AMICO2_PoC, through Next Generation EU PoC 2022 – PNRR del MIMIT-UIBM M1 C2 I6 Duration: February 2024 – March 2025 Description: CITOM
Quantum Nexus
On March 4, the opening event of Quantum Nexus was held in the Archimede room of Città della Scienza in Naples, a series of meetings
“Dalla teoria della relatività al computer quantistico” the book by Carmine Granata
“From the theory of relativity to quantum computers” is the new book by Carmine Granata published by Susil. The book offers a short journey into
From darkness to light, a new paradigm in photonics
The discovery of supercritical coupling opens new avenues for trapping and converting light energy, potentially advancing developments in quantum technology, high-resolution imaging, and photonic devices.
Article in the magazine SAPERE (Dedalo)
An informative article by Carmine Granata and Stefania Della Penna entitled “Quantum sensors to study the brain” was published in the February issue of the
National School on Optical Biosensors and Biophotonics
The fifth edition of the “National School of Optical Biosensors and Biophotonics”, BiO&B, will take place in the charming city of Lecce (Italy) on 3-7
Fluxonics newsletter on superconducting quantum technologies
Carmine Granata is one of the co-authors of the January 2024 newsletter dedicated to superconducting quantum technologies and written by Fluxonics of which ISASI is
PURECIRCLES is the acronym of the project titled “Maximising resource use efficiency within the water-nutrient-energy nexus for sustainable agriculture in marginal environments” funded under the
Research grant at Institute of Applied Science and Intelligent Systems
A position is available on the project PRIN 2022 “ONEPLAST, Optical Neuroplasticity to memorize and recognize information”. Job description The fellow will be involved in:
How researchers made a bionic polyp to move
The behaviour of a small invertebrate can be controlled by soaking it in a semiconducting organic molecule solution. The research group lead by Claudia Tortiglione
Campania imaging Infrastructure for Research in Oncology – CIRO
IR CIRO aims to create a research infrastructure in the field of production and analysis of biological and medical images, now decisive for the success
The ARTEMIS project has officially started
The ARTEMIS project “moleculAR maTerials for on-chip intEgrated quantum lIght sourceS” officially started with the kick-off meeting which was held in Naples on 17 and
Exhibition in memory of E. R. Caianiello thirty years after his death 25 OCTOBER 2023 – 31 DECEMBER 2023Physics Museum, Via Mezzocannone 8 NaplesUniversity of
Brain and quantum sensors
Brain and quantum sensors. The prospects of magnetoencephalography Meeting with Carmine Granata, Stefania Della Penna, moderated by Luca Pellegrino. 29 ottobre, ore 17:30 Palazzo Ducale,
Article in the journal Quaderni di Comunicazione Scientifica
The dissimination paper by Carmine Granata A popular article entitled “From the debate between Einstein and Bohr to the Nobel Prize for Physics 2022 –
From micron to Ångström
13 June 2023 H 9:00 Area della ricerca Napoli1, Via Pietro Castellino 111 One of the great challenges that science still faces is developing tools
Last Monday, April 24, within the International Conference SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Optical Sensors 2023, held in Prague, Dr. Massimo Rippa of the Institute of
ISASI coordinator of a Horizon-EIC project on quantum sources
The European Commission has recently approved the project proposal “Molecular materials for integrated quantum light sources on a chip”, whose acronym is ARTEMIS. This Action
PULSE-COM EU project – Final Workshop @ SPIE Praga 2023
The 27th of April on the Optics + Opto-Electronics conference organised by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics in Prague the whole PULSE-COM
International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Transdermal Drug Delivery
The three-day international conference organized by Materias, CNR ISASI and the Magna Grecia University of Catanzaro from 17 to 19 April 2023 was chaired by
Photonics in Nature: From Living Organisms to Bioinspiration
A new Research Topic from “Frontiers in Physics – Optics and Photonics” has been launched! “Photonics in Nature: From Living Organisms to Bioinspiration.” Abstract Submission
Smart optical and opto-electronic systems by innovative photopolymers
Use a new generation photomobile polymer that allows devices to move when stimulated by a light source to create smart optical and opto-electronic systems. This
A light beam to detect cancer cells in the blood
A study, born from the collaboration between the IEOS and ISASI institutes of the CNR and published in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, has led
Special Issue Biomedicines: Hydra as Model in Biomedical Research
Guest Editor: Dr. Paola Pierobon Message from the Guest Editor:The aim of this Special Issue is to present articles that investigate cellular, molecular, and circuit
ISASI Meeting – 5-7 December 2022
From 5 to 7 December, the ISASI conference is back, this year is held in the Institute headquarter at the Comprensorio Olivetti in Pozzuoli. Three
The European project EIC Pathfinder ‘MIMOSA’ is underway
The ‘kick-off’ meeting of the European project EIC Pathfinder ‘MIMOSA’ was held in the French city of Rouen on 26th and 27th of September. The
ERN 2022
This year ISASI participates again in the Researchers’ Night with CNR CREO. The program is very rich: until 29 September, as part of “le vetrine