ISASI Pozzuoli, TechnicianCollaboratore Tecnico E.R. IV livello

Short Bio
High school diploma in Technician for Chemical Industries, Laurea Degree in Sociology in '92, two-year Master's degree at Sapienza in "Integrated management in the evolution of the world of work" in 2019.
CNR staff since 1995.
From '95 to 2016 in the perspective of interdisciplinarity and professional skills, the undersigned carried out technical-experimental and technical-managerial functions at the IPCB Institute for multiple areas of expertise, such as: rheology, personnel, library and safety in workplaces. For such functions she was the contact person of the Institute from '96 to 2000 and Head of the Prevention and Protection Service RSPP, from 2000 to 2016.
Subsequently she moved to ISASI where she held the role in the Scientific-Normative Sector concerning the development of procedure and document processing relating to: Scientific Conventions, Acts, Agreements, Associations, Research Units (URT). In addition, she has carried out regulatory in-depth activities, opinions on Health and Safety in the Workplace relating to Conventions, school-work alternation projects, URTs, Scientific Assignments.
Since 2019 he has held in the Technical Area of the Institute technical-managerial functions relating to Safety in the Workplace and the management of environmental safety as Head of the Prevention and Protection Service of the ISASI Institute (RSPP) pursuant to art. 17 paragraph 1 letter. b) of Legislative Decree 81/08; Delegate of the Director for Communications / Accident Complaints INAIL, Head of the ISASI Special Waste Disposal Service Legislative Decree 152/2006 and Coordinator of the Special Waste Service for the Na3 Research Area.