ISASI Pozzuoli, ResearcherI Ricercatore II livello

Short Bio
C. Tortiglione graduated cum laude in Biology at University of Naples “Federico II” in 1992. After completing her graduate research at IGB-CNR (Naples), she spent two years at University of Edinburgh, in the laboratory of Developmental Biology (Prof. M. Bownes). Back in Italy she received her PhD at University of Naples, developing new skills in Plant Genetics and Biotechnology. On 2001 she was enrolled as permanent research at Institute of Plant Genetic (Portici, Napoli) and on 2004 she moved to ISASI (former Istituto di Cibernetica). Here she started an independent career, launching new research lines at the interface between Biology and Nanoscience and establishing the NanoBiomolecular group. Her main research activities are based on engineered nanoparticles of different chemical composition and physical properties as innovative tools for biomedicine, bioelectronics and environmental toxicology. By using in vivo (Cnidaria organisms) and in vitro models she investigates the bioactivity of novel functional devices, using animal, cell and molecular approaches. Tortiglione tutored 29 master students, 3 post docs (1 Marie Curie fellow), 1 Erasmus student. She is Academic Editor of PLOS ONE, Review Editor Frontiers Bioeng Biotech, acts as External reviewer for international PhD programs, Project Evaluator for several European grantors, reviewer for many high impact factors scientific journals, conference organizer and Programme Committee member for international conferences on innovative materials and biophotonics. She is author of more than 50 scientific articles published on peer reviewed journals (main author in 75% of them), 6 book chapters. She presented her work to more than 80 national and international conferences, many of which she has been invited to, and 1 keynote lecture.