ISASI Napoli, ResearcherRicercatore III livello

Short Bio
I graduated cum laude at University of Naples Federico II where I concluded a PhD in Fundamental and Applied Physics in 2009. I have been research fellow at CNR ICIB (Pozzuoli), later at Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Heraklion, Greece), then Univ. of Naples Federico II LASOM group, then IBP and IBBC at CNR Napoli where I became permanat staff researcher in 2018.
I am working at ISASI-CNR since 2019, where I lead the Laboratory of Advanced Nanoscopies.
My expertise focuses on the fields of Plasmonics, Nano-Optics, Photonics, Strongly-correlated Material Systems, Physical-Chemistry of Advanced Materials, Bio-sensing, Applied Physics, Spectroscopy. In the last years, my reserch focused on "bound states in the continuum" and dielectric nanostructures and their applications, besides theoretical modeling and numerical simulations of photonic and plasmonic structures, advanced data analysis, and nanomaterial synthesis for plasmonic sensing and techniques of molecular self-assembling.
Hands-on techniques include Raman microscopy, SERS, SEF, AFM, SEM, SNOM, and FDTD, FEM. I have been working in the last years on research with interdisciplinary background in physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, bio-imaging. Over the last year, I designed, fabricated, characterized and applied novel dielectric nanostructures for ultrasensitive detection, label-free imaging and recently on giant enhancement of UCPL emission. I am involved in many collaborations, with top scientists in their fields.
Please visit https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VtQfg4AAAAAJ&hl=it&oi=ao
to be updated with new publications of our group.
The lab can be used for advanced characterizations in Nano-optics, the door is alwyas open to new collaborations. A small facility for numerical simulations is also available with 500 GB of RAM, for Lumerical FDTD 2023 and Comsol Mutiphysics (permanent licences).
We are currently recruiting new TD researchers and post docs, if interested please contact me ().