

ISASI Napoli, Researcher
Ricercatore III livello

Short Bio

Ilaria Rea (IR) is a researcher at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems of the National Research Council in Naples (ISASI NA – CNR), where she is head of the “Functional Nanomaterials and Interfaces” laboratory. Her research interests are in the field of advanced nano- and microscale materials for optical biosensing and drug delivery. Mesoporous silica/silicon nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles, nanostructured zinc oxide, hybrid nanocomposites, functionalized with antibodies, proteins, and nucleic acids are examples of materials realized in her laboratory. Her activity, made in collaboration with a multidisciplinary research team, has as focus the in vitro diagnosis and treatment of human diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular ones. She is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers published in indexed journals, 11 book chapters, and more than 40 conference proceedings.