ISASI Lecce, ResearcherRicercatore III livello

Short Bio
Marco Del Coco received the Dr. degree in Telecommunication Engineering, from the University of Salento in 2010.
In 2011, he started the Ph. D. in Innovation Engineering in University of Salento, during which his research has been focused in the field of multi-target tracking and data association issue with particular interest for radar applications. In 2013 he held visiting positions at the Queen Mary University of London (UK) where he investigated the application of parallel computing to the tracking problems.
In 2014 he received the Ph.D degree and then he started working as Research Fellow with the National Council of Research (CNR) where his main research interests involved computer vision and machine learning applied to image classification for health and security. Since 2017 he is part of the organizing committee of the International Workshop on Traffic and Street Surveillance for Safety and Security (IWT4S)
In early 2018 he moved to the industrial research joining the OPSI lab of Engineering where he was involved in several research projects focusing his attention machine learning applied to smart cities and environment monitoring. Successively, he was enrolled at Graphaware for developing artificial intelligence back-end services and as graph database consultant.
Since the early 2022 he went back in the accademia as a researcher at CNR-ISASI holding his interest in frontier AI research.
All his researches led to many publications on international scientific journals and conference.