

ISASI Napoli, Researcher
I Ricercatore II livello
Roberto Russo

Short Bio

Dr. R. Russo graduated with honors in Physics in 1994. During his career he gained extensive experience in the design, fabrication and characterization of low and high-Tc superconductors, metals, refractory, insulating, magnetic and optical materials. He has developed an innovative deposition technique. RR has carried out its activities at various institutes, universities and institutions of primary importance on the national and international level (CERN, INFN, INFM, CNR, University of Rome, Naples and Salerno). RR has also worked and collaborated with Italian and Suisse high technology companies for improving the conversion efficiency in high vacuum solar thermal panels. The research topics are part of national and international projects financed by the European Community, MIUR (PRIN, FIRB), INFN, INFM, and by private companies and he is currently responsible of 5 PhD student and 1 post-doc. Two professors are associated with CNR to his research activies.