ISASI Pozzuoli, TemporaryAssegnista

Short Bio
Ambra Vestri (Pistoia, Italy) is a Molecular Biotechnologist with expertise in nano/polymer synthesis, optical biosensor development and nanomaterial bio/functionalization. After her Bachelor’s and Master's degree in Molecular Biotechnology in Florence (Italy), she completed in Verona (Italy) her PhD focused on the realization of sensors and assays based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for medical/diagnostic applications. During her Postgraduate Master in Drug Design and Synthesis at the University of Siena (Italy), she carried out a project on the synthesis of polymers for drug delivery purposes at the University of Nottingham (Steven Howdle group). Since 2020, she has been at ISASI in the Lucia Petti’s group as Postdoctoral Fellow funded by the EU project PULSE-com. In particular, she is working for the synthesis and the characterization of photo-mobile polymers. She is also actively collaborating to the H2OSafety Project (National Project funded by MIUR Call “Proof of Concept”) with the aim to develop plasmonic biosensors for the detection of hazardous microbiological and chemical contaminants.