ISASI Pozzuoli, ResearcherRicercatore III livello

Short Bio
Lucia Petti is a researcher and Team Leader at ISASI-CNR coordinating now 5 projects: the European FET project "PULSE-COM- Photo-Piezo-ActUators based on Light SEnsitive COMposite”; the CNR project "Development and Validation of Methodologies in Nanosciences and Agro-Food: Innovative Materials and Sensors (DFM.AD005.370)";the MUR Project Call POC "H2OSafety- Design and development of environmental sensors for the research of microbiological and chemical contaminants hazardous to health"(POC01_00109);the PO Campania FESR 2014/2020 project “SERS-CoV: Advanced Nanobiosensing platforms for diagnostics and surveillance POC”, v) the POC project “ALICE-Actuators based on Light sensitive CompositE” funded by the Fund “Eureka! Fund I – Technology Transfer”. All of them are focused on research activities aimed at developing new methodologies that using innovative materials and nanostructured devices can be used to respond to human health and environmental issues, and in the field of smart devices, robotics, and actuators.
She is Group Leader of the NanoPhotonics and Artificial Materials Team and Responsible of the “Smart Materials”, "NanoSOFT-Nanocomposites and Soft matter", “NanoFAB-NanoFabrication” and “IOL-Integrated Optics” Labs of ISASI. From 2005 she is Responsible for the Large Research Facility “Electron Beam Lithography system”.
Her current research focuses on Photonics, Biophotonics and Plasmonics with more focus on the Study, Fabrication and Characterization of Active Photonic Crystals and Quasi-Crystals; development of LSPR and SERS based-nanobiosensors by EBL for the detection of chemical species and bio-analyes for Medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring and Food safety; Linear and NL Optics in polymeric systems and hybrid organic-inorganic composites.
She is author/co-author of 3 patents and 123 scientific papers published in peer reviewed journals and 25 technical reports with over 130 International and national conference presentations (as poster and as oral). She has been invited 33 times for oral presentations in Germany, Romania, Israel, France, USA and China.
She has been appointed Eligible as Full Professor under the D.D. 1532/2016 Call for the Departmental Macro Area: Experimental Physics of Matter.
She is/has been part of Commission of Trusts such as Vice Chair, Expert Evaluator and Expert Monitor in Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe.