Advanced nanostructures for fundamental phenomena: energy conversion, quantum and topological photonics

Advanced nanostructures for fundamental phenomena: energy conversion, quantum and topological photonics

Description of the activity

The research activity focuses on the theory and applications of light, interacting with matter at nanoscale and experiencing a radical change in its properties. In particular in our group have been developed some of the earliest theoretical studies in the field of the Bound States in the Continuum (BICs), nonradiating resonances mainly engineered in dielectric photonic nanostructures, which are part of the vast scenario of topological phenomena. BIC-modes require careful theoretical design to optimize the resonant mechanism and are incompatible with free-space propagation. This prevents scattering losses, virtually increasing its lifetime indefinitely, and as such also its radiative 𝑄-factor. The possible large near field localization is exploited in many applications for enhancing light-matter interaction. Several projects are currently in progress, concerning as for instance high harmonic generation, luminescence emission enhancement and absorption enhancement. At the same time, fundamental phenomena like spin-directive coupling, spin—to-orbital angular momentum conversion and topological edge states are investigated and possibly integrated in functional devices. Most of this multi-branched research is currently carried out in collaborations with other ISASI scientists: L. Sirleto, E. De Tommasi, M. Casalino, E. Esposito.

Involved personnel

V. Mocella | I. Rendina | S. Romano | G. Zito | C. Schiattarella | F. Sgrignuoli | B. Guilcapi Alulema

National and International Collaborations


Nanophotonics laboratory instruments:

  • supercontinuum laser NKT Photonics;
  • spectrometer HR2000 Ocean Optics;
  • Optical Spectrum Analyzer;
  • WiTEC R Alpha 300 with NSOM, FLIM and TERS.

Active projects and contracts

  • PRIN nanoPhotonIc plaTforms for ultraSensiTive Liquid BiOPsy, PIT STOP. Ente finanziatore: MUR. CUP: B64I19001290001. Responsabile CNR: Gianluigi Zito .
  • PON Virtualizzazione, sensing e IoT per l’innovazione del processo produttivo industriale delle bevande, E-brewery. Ente finanziatore: MUR. Durata: 2018 – 2021. ASR01_00582. Responsabile CNR-ISASI: Ivo Rendina.
  • PON Innovative Devices For SHAping the RIsk of Diabetes, Innovative Devices For SHAping the RIsk of Diabetes. Ente finanziatore: MUR. 2018 – 2021. ARS01_01270. Responsabile CNR-ISASI: Ivo Rendina.