The ISASI researchers working at the URT of the Physics Department “E. Pancini” of Federico II University of Naples(UNINA) have a long experience in the field of applied optics and advanced photonic technologies and spectroscopies. The latter include non-linear optical techniques; time-resolved techniques (pump-probe and ultrafast luminescence); generation of extreme light (THz and VUV) and their spectroscopic applications; advanced ellipsometry; innovative functionalization techniques for sensing based on optics and photocatalysis; advanced techniques for generation and manipulation of structured light and its appliactions; laser techniques for micro- and nano-structuring; development of optoelectronic devices based on liquid crystals and other complex materials.

The URT UNINA has several collaboration with the CNR Institute for superconductors, oxides and other innovative materials and devices (SPIN), with the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) section of Naples, both placed in the Physics Department too.

The research work is accompained by a strong commitment for the training of graduate students and young researchers, and an internationally recognized activity of dissemination of the research results to different target audiences.

The unit holds the following main equipments and facilities: 

  • Coherent Ti:Sa laser system (35 fs, 4 W, 1 kHz)
  • EKSPLA Nd:YAG laser (30 mJ, 25 ps)
  • EKSPLA PG-501   Parametric Amplifier (680-2300 nm)
  • THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy apparatus (0.5 – 30 THz)
  • 2 setups for Surface Second Harmonic Generation
  • Kimmon HeCd laser (120 mW, 325 nm and 442 nm)
  • HORIBA spectrometer equipped with a cooled CCD (triple grating, 320 mm focal length)
  • EMCCD Camera Hamamasu ImagEM
  • J.A. Woollam  VASE spectroscopic ellipsometer (300-1700 nm)
  • TEMPEST Nd:Yag laser, including second harmonic and third harmonic modules

Head of URT



Dipartimento di Fisica ‘E. Pancini’, UNINA
Via Cinthia – 80126 Napoli (NA)
Phone number: 081676432
