Dielectric sensing platform and nanoscopy for biology and health

Dielectric sensing platform and nanoscopy for biology and health

Description of the activity

The research activity focuses on modelling, fabrication and characterization of photonic crystal (PhC) devices for ultrasensitive, hyperspectral biosensing applications, developing label-free optical sensors for real-time detection of biomolecules and tumor biomarkers. Our group pioneered the experimental applications of bound states in the continuum (BICs) – an intriguing class of delocalized, strongly correlated photonic resonances in deep subwavelength open resonators – demonstrating the amplification of fundamental processes like Raman scattering and fluorescence emission from probe molecules with an all-dielectric metasurface. We develop novel and efficient optical sensors based on such photonic crystal metasurfaces supporting BIC, demonstrating excellent figure of merit in the visible range, high sensitivity of biodetection and extraordinary capability of ultralow-weight molecules detection. In addition, we explored a novel technique of hyperspectral-sensing imaging based on BIC for cancer cells imaging and discrimination at single-cell level. This method is extended to many other applications for studying physical, chemical, and biological processes.

Involved personnel

S. Romano | G. Zito | V. Mocella | I. Rendina | G. Sanità | F. Sgrignuoli | B. Guilcapi Alulem

National and International Collaborations


Nanophotonics laboratory instruments:

  • supercontinuum laser NKT Photonics;
  • spectrometer HR2000 Ocean Optics;
  • Optical Spectrum Analyzer;
  • WiTEC R Alpha 300 with NSOM, FLIM and TERS.

Active projects and contracts

  • PRIN nanoPhotonIc plaTforms for ultraSensiTive Liquid BiOPsy, PIT STOP. Ente finanziatore: MUR. CUP: B64I19001290001. Responsabile CNR: Gianluigi Zito.
  • PON Virtualizzazione, sensing e IoT per l’innovazione del processo produttivo industriale delle bevande, E-brewery. Ente finanziatore: MUR. Durata: 2018 – 2021. ASR01_00582. Responsabile CNR-ISASI: Ivo Rendina.
  • PON Innovative Devices For SHAping the RIsk of Diabetes, Innovative Devices For SHAping the RIsk of Diabetes. Ente finanziatore: MUR. 2018 – 2021. ARS01_01270. Responsabile CNR-ISASI: Ivo Rendina.