Description of the activity
Design, fabrication and characterization of microfluidic circuits for the development of systems capable of combining control and manipulation of small amounts of fluid with multifunctional components on miniaturised platforms for fundamental and applied research in biological and health applications.
The activity employs numerical simulation and microfabrication techniques for rapid prototyping of systems that require interaction with a static or dynamic fluid environment allowing highly sensitive sensing, low reagent consumption, and easy integration into more complex measurement systems.

Involved personnel
M. Casalino | G. Coppola | M.A. Ferrara | M.A. Gioffrè | M. Iodice | V. Tufano | M. Feliù | M. Indolfi | F. Granata | S. Balestrieri
National and International Collaborations
University of Naples “Federico II”
Centro Fecondazione Assistita Napoli (IVF Centre)
Magna Græcia University of Catanzaro
Institute Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology
University of Sannio
– Clean room facility for microfabrication (deposition, dry and wet etching, surface treatment).
– Soft, photo and e-beam lithography.
– Direct laser exposure.
– Polymer 3D-printing.
Active projects and contracts
– Fluidic systems for nanophotonics devices.
o PM3: Piattaforma Modulare Multi-Missione
o MIUR-Programma Operativo Nazionale_ Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020
o 01/11/2018 —> 30/04/2022
o Resp. ISASi: G. Coppola
– Systems for wounds monitoring and healing
o Wound Healing In Space: Key challenges towards Intelligent and Enabling Sensing platforms (ESA WHISKIES)
o European Space Agency SciSPACE 1 MAP CR del 13/06/2019
o 17/04/2020 —> 15/04/2023
o Resp. ISASI: G. Coppola