Parla Potabile 2022

Parla Potabile 2022

On Wednesday 4 May, ISASI took part in the scientific communication event “Parla Potabile: la scienza per tutt3”, organized by Scugnizzo Liberato and the PONYS (Physics Optics Naples Young Student) association.

Located in the Avvocata district of the Neapolitan historic center, Scugnizzo Liberato is a mutual aid lab born in 2015, with the re-appropriation by a network of activists and inhabitants of the district of the former Gaetano Filangieri juvenile prison, abandoned in 1999 and previously a former convent of the Cappuccinelle order. Since 2016, the Scugnizzo Liberato has been one of the freed spaces recognized as common goods for civic and collective use by the Municipality of Naples.

The PONYS is a social promotion association formed by students of the Physics Degree Course of the Federico II University of Naples, whose main mission is to promote the cultural importance of physics, inside and out of the academic environment.

ISASI participated with a digital version of the exhibition Mi Illudo d’Immenso on optical illusions by Antigone Marino e Simona de Luca.

The event saw the participation of numerous schools, families, and citizens, with an estimated number of between 700-800 people. This success with the public has been possible also thanks to the participation of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Section of Naples, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the Italian Society of Physics Historians and Astronomy (SISFA), the Naples Linux Users Group (NaLug), the Neapolitan Amateur Astronomers Union (UAN), the United Natural Sciences Association (ASNU), and various professors and researchers of the University of Naples Federico II.

The event ended in the late afternoon with the performance of the Scalzabanda, a musical band of girls and boys from the working-class district of Montesanto in Naples.