The 27th of April on the Optics + Opto-Electronics conference organised by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics in Prague the whole PULSE-COM consortium was there to show the results of the PULSE-COM EU project. The final workshop of the project was successfully organized in collaboration with ENEA in the frame of the conference entitled “Smart Materials for Opto-Electronic Applications” organised by CNR and chaired by Dr. Ivo Rendina (Director ISASI-CNR), Dr. Lucia Petti (ISASI-CNR, project coordinator), Dr. Giuseppe Nenna (ENEA researcher, scientific responsible) and Dr. Domenico Sagnelli (ISASI-CNR, WP1 leader on “Materials preparation and design of the PMP/PZL devices”). The new active materials presented in the final workshop and that have been supported by the UE R&D funded PULSE-COM project, are photomobile polymers. These materials are characterized by their ability to generate significant stroke under light excitation, which allows the development of new actuation devices. Indeed, such films can be assimilated as transducers thanks to their ability to convert light into displacement with strokes up to several millimeters. The behavior of the photomobile films were characterized prior to their integration in more complex devices. Then, several proof-of-concepts of these devices were manufactured to try to bring new functionalities to the market such as light driven optical switch, optical micro-valve, and deflector, waveselector and spectrometer. We would like to thank our Keynote speakers: Prof. Lorenzo Marrucci (Univ. degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Prof. Ifor D. W. Samuel (Univ. of St. Andrews, United Kingdom), Prof. Anders Kristensen (Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark), Dr. Ferruccio Pisanello (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy) and All the speakers who have definitely raised the level of our Conference.
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