As part of the Italian Quantum Weeks project in collaboration with the World Quantum Day, the “Quantum Suggestions” Quantum Creativity contest was announced with the aim of creating a “Quantum Inspired” creative project, i.e. inspired by Quantum Mechanics in its sense wider. Participation in this first edition has already been large and has collected a very broad spectrum of works, such as poems, stories, drawings, comics, illustrations, videos with experiments or artistic performances, and much more.
The competition is developed in two phases: at local level in a first, and national in a second for the winners of the first.

This year’s creations for Campania were presented on 30 September in Naples at the Chiostro dei Santi Marcellino e Festo, Basilica San Giovanni Maggiore as part of the STREETS project. Some authors illustrated and commented on them together with the visitors. The winners of the national selection will be awarded during an event to be held on April 14, 2023 in conjunction with World Quantum Day.

The Neapolitan organization of the event was by the CNR Institutes: CNR-INO (Simona Mosca, Maria Parisi, Stefania Arminio, Gianluca Notariale), CNR-ISASI (Antigone Marino, Simona De Luca), CNR-SPIN (Alberto Porzio , Mario Barra) in collaboration with UNINA – Department of Physics “Ettore Pancini” (Giovanni Piero Pepe, Francesco Tafuri, Loredana Parlato, Giovanni Ausanio, Halima Giovanna Ahmad).

For information: https://www.quantumweeks.it