13 June 2023 H 9:00
Area della ricerca Napoli1, Via Pietro Castellino 111

One of the great challenges that science still faces is developing tools capable of exploring the infinitely small. Increasingly powerful microscopes are needed to study matter at the atomic scale and to develop new electronic devices where information is stored and processed in structures smaller than a billionth of a metre, to observe the interior of a living cell and understand the most reconditi that are the basis of life, to analyze the action of drugs at the biomolecular level and to develop innovative therapies in the medical field.
Over the past 100 years, the CNR has greatly contributed to such research. We will retrace together the main scientific achievements in this field by researchers who have animated the laboratories of our institution, from the concept of super-resolution introduced by Giuliano Toraldo of France, passing through the experiment on the interference of single electrons by Pier Giorgio Merli , which a 2002 survey among the readers of the international journal Physics World identified as the most beautiful experiment in physics, up to the latest developments which see important microscopy facilities active in our institution for nanoelectronics and cell biology studies. The day will be closed by the inauguration of the new CNR Electron Microscopy Center recently built in the Naples Research Area, an open facility that intends to provide the scientific community with the tools to carry out research at the frontier of knowledge in biomedicine.
- Maria Chiara Carrozza, Presidente del CNR
- Richard Henderson, Nobel Prize in 2017 (remote connection)
- Giuseppe Nicotra, Direttore BeyondNano Sub-Angstrom Lab, CNR-IMM
- Alberto Diaspro, Università di Genova, Presidente della Società Italiana di Biofisica pura e Applicata
- Vittorio Morandi, CNR, Responsabile della Sede di Bologna dell’Istituto per la Microelettronica e i Microsistemi,
- Alberto Luini, co-fondatore di EuroBioimaging e membro del Decision Making Board di EuroBioimaging italia
- Beatrice Vallone, Università La Sapienza, Centro Interuniversitario H2CU
- Daniela Bargellini Rhodes, Emeritus Group Leader, MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge and Founding Director, NTU Institute of Structural Biology, Singapore
- Giovanna Scapin, NIS, USA (remote connection)
- Emanuela Esposito, Responsabile scientifico di EYE-LAB
- Giuseppe De Pietro, Presidente dell’Area di Ricerca CNR Napoli 1
- Giovanni Maga, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche del CNR
- Marcello Mancini, Direttore IBB e Responsabile progetto IMPARA
Chair: Ivo Rendina, CNR, Direttore dell’Istituto di Scienze Applicate e Sistemi Intelligenti E. Caianiello
Scientific Committee: Ivo Rendina, Emanuela Esposito, Beatrice Vallone and Gennaro Sanità
Organizing Committee: Antigone Marino, Simona de Luca
Fill out the pre-registration form! Due to the limited number of places (160) this does not constitute a registration. Confirmation of successful registration will be given on June 1st.